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ted directory (directories)====== If you require authentication on certain directories using the Lighttpd web ser... ory) .\\ Lighttpd supports both basic and digest authentication methods. Now consider following sample setup:\\ ... p document root) </code> =====How do I use Basic authentication method?===== Easy to implement and password stor... ify debug level (0 turns off debug message, 1 for authentication ok message and 2 for detailed/verbose debugging m
6 Hits, Last modified:
How to use authentication with Lighttpd (htpasswd)\\ In this example, we will setup basic authentication for Lighttpd. Let’s imagine, for the purpose of t... th===== We need to instruct lighttpd to load it’s authentication module by editing /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf to ... have an equivalent tool, but since we’ll use that authentication mechanism, we still need it.\\ <code>root@server
3 Hits, Last modified:
priority 101 advert_int 1 smtp_alert authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass superp... * (идентификатор виртуального роутера) и секция **authentication** должны быть одинаковыми на обоих нодах. \\ Вот ... priority 100 advert_int 1 smtp_alert authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass superp
2 Hits, Last modified:
и ошибки типа: libvirt error code: 45, message: authentication failed: Password request failed libvirt error code: 45, message: authentication failed: Username request failed Оказалось, нужно
2 Hits, Last modified:
PasswordSet AccountPasswordSet command - Set User Authentication Type of VPN Connection Setting to Password Authentication Name of VPN Connection Setting: autosys Please enter t
2 Hits, Last modified:
calhost,\\ **Port **- 1143,\\ **SSL** - None,\\ **Authentication** - normal password.\\ Для исходящей почты:\\ **... localhost\\ **Port** - 1025\\ **SSL** - None\\ **Authentication** - normal password.\\ После этого можно протест
1 Hits, Last modified:
раметры в файл конфигурации. ====== Semaphore AD Authentication ====== Для аутентификации пользователей из AD н
1 Hits, Last modified:
d=true Parent= [Offline] StaySynchronized=true [Authentication] Host=$EwsHost Method=GSSAPI Port=443 ProxyUid=sy
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роходит нормально, но тест аутентификации (**Test Authentication**) не проходит с ошибкой: 14:19:35,523 ERROR [o
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] StaySynchronized=true [Authentication] Host=$EwsHost #Method=none
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d=true Parent= [Offline] StaySynchronized=true [Authentication] Host=\$EwsHost Method=GSSAPI Port=443 ProxyUid=s