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universal_multiboot_grub_bios_uefi @linux_faq
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inux/minirt.gz } menuentry "SystemRescueCd 5.3.1 Live (64bit, cache all files in memory and startX)" { ... ux/initram.igz } menuentry "SystemRescueCd 5.3.1 Live (64bit, default boot options)" { loopback loop /... ux/initram.igz } menuentry "SystemRescueCd 5.3.1 Live (32bit, default boot options)" { loopback loop /... 8.04.2 Server" { set isofile="/ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso" loopback loop $isofile
phone @fishing
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дка, нормальная камера * [[