
Found out that it's all about the Intel DisplayAudio driver, which is not installed unless the device is active. So here is what I did:

- I downloaded once more the latest Intel HD graphics driver from the Intel site, but this time the zip file, not the executable:

- Extracted the file to some location.

- I changed the display config from single output to my pc monitor to 'extended desktop', so the HDMI output to my receiver became active.

- In Device Manager I right clicked the device with the yellow exclamation mark and updated the driver manually by pointing to the DisplayAudio subfolder in the folder into which I extracted the driver files.

- Done, the exclamation mark was gone. To be sure I rebooted the pc and was able to play audio over HDMI.

See, I had the driver package installed for the most part, just the DisplayAudio bit was missing, because the HDMI output was not active during the first install.

Hope you all get it fixed too!
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  • ms_windows_ms_sql/intel_hd_audio_1c20_error_code_10.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/29 07:34
  • by admin