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armbian_install_xfce_desktop @android
52 Hits, Last modified:
wsed cups-bsd cups-client cups-common cups-core-drivers cups-daemon cups-filters cups-filters-core-drivers cups-ipp-utils cups-pk-helper cups-ppdc cups-server-c... zop mailcap mesa-utils mesa-utils-bin mesa-vulkan-drivers mime-support mono-4.0-gac mono-gac mono-runtim... -data poppler-utils power-profiles-daemon printer-driver-all printer-driver-brlaser printer-driver-c2050 p
подготовка-к-экзамену-1y0-a20-citrix-xenapp-6-5 @citrix
39 Hits, Last modified:
Mapping (CDM), Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions, Workstation**\\ **- Citrix CPU Utili... Зависимости - Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions.\\ **- Citrix End User Experience Mon... пользователями. Зависимости - Citrix SMC Support Driver.\\ **- Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery (Ci... ent, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), TCP/IP Protocol Driver, Server, Windows Management Instrumentation Drive
настройка_wiasane_sane @linux_faq
27 Hits, Last modified:
и ниже. \\ Рабочая сборка - {{|}}. Она доработана для того, чтобы прописыват... sane.exe device uninstall wiasane.inf devsane.exe driver uninstall wiasane.inf devsane.exe driver install wiasane.inf del /f /q "c:\Program Files\SANE WIA Driver\_device install.log" devsane.exe device install
настроика-ajaxplorer-из-команднои-строки @linux_faq
26 Hits, Last modified:
=ajxp_conf -a=create_repository --DISPLAY=Test3 --DRIVER=demo --DRIVER_OPTION_PATH=/data/ftp/Test3 --DRIVER_OPTION_CREATE=false --DRIVER_OPTION_RECYCLE_BIN=recycle_bin</code> или вот более полный вариант:\\ <code
настроика-доступа-к-базе-ms-sql-из-проекта-на-go-lang @linux_faq
18 Hits, Last modified:
та Go====== Нужно установить **unixODBC** и **SQL Driver**.\\ А потом проверить что все работает.\\ Тут оп... nixODBC-2.3.2 ./configure --disable-gui --disable-drivers --enable-iconv --with-iconv-char-enc=UTF8 --with... sudo make install sudo ldconfig</code> ======SQL Driver====== Есть два варианта **SQL**-драйверов - **Fre... вера.\\ Для этого создадим текстовый файлик **tds.driver.template** такого содержания:\\ <code>[FreeTDS]
setup_virtio_drivers_on_windows_core @proxmox
15 Hits, Last modified:
**virtio-win-0.1.190.iso**): <code> pnputil /add-driver D:\Balloon\2k19\amd64\*.inf /install pnputil /add-driver D:\NetKVM\2k19\amd64\*.inf /install pnputil /add-driver D:\pvpanic\2k19\amd64\*.inf /install pnputil /add-driver D:\qemufwcfg\2k19\amd64\*.inf /install pnputil /a
opensuse_setup_script_yast @linux_faq
8 Hits, Last modified:
Browser-beta #zypper ar -G -c -n "nVidia Graphics Drivers" nVidia-Graphics-Drivers #zypper mr -erk -p 5 nVidia-Graphics-Drivers #zypper ar -G -c -n "AMD/ATI Graphics Drivers" -f
turnkey-linux-fileserver-включение-в-ad @proxmox
8 Hits, Last modified:
ar/www/ajaxplorer/plugins/auth.ldap/class.ldapAuthDriver.php</code> Раздел **"AUTH_DRIVER"** целиком комментируем и заменяем на:\\ <code> "AUTH_DRIVER" => array( "NAME" => "multi", "OP... "MODE"=> "MASTER_SLAVE", "MASTER_DRIVER" => "ldap", "SLAVE_DRIVER" => "se
boot_linux_on_amlogic_tv_box @android
6 Hits, Last modified:
0 MHz Set clk81 to 166.6M eMMC boot @ 0 sw8 s DDR driver_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_15 build time: Jun 18 20... 200 Mhz CPU clk: 1200 MHz Set clk81 to 166.6M DDR driver_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_15 build time: Jun 18 20... 0 MHz Set clk81 to 166.6M eMMC boot @ 0 sw8 s DDR driver_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_15 build time: Jun 18 20... 0 MHz Set clk81 to 166.6M eMMC boot @ 0 sw8 s DDR driver_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_15 build time: Jun 18 20
kvm_usb_hotplug @linux_faq
6 Hits, Last modified:
ядра рулит этим девайсом: <code> $ls /sys/bus/pci/drivers/*_hcd/ ... /sys/bus/pci/drivers/xhci_hcd/: 0000:03:00.3 0000:03:00.4 bind module new_id remove_id ... o-pci** <code> sudo su modprobe vfio-pci l... 0000:03:00.3 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:03:00.3/driver/unbind lspci -n -s 0000:03:00.3 ... 03:00.3 0c03
opensuse_setup_script @linux_faq
6 Hits, Last modified:
ser-beta sudo zypper ar -G -c -n "nVidia Graphics Drivers" nVidia-Graphics-Drivers sudo zypper mr -erk -p 5 nVidia-Graphics-Drivers sudo zypper ar -G -c -n "AMD/ATI Graphics Drivers" -f
подготовка-к-экзамену-1y0-200-managing-citrix-xendesktop-7-solutions @citrix
5 Hits, Last modified:
reen appears…\\ Select the Microsoft SVGA video driver for new dedicated virtual desktops.\\ When the WDDM video driver is installed and used on certain VDMs, users migh... lve any of these issues, uninstall the WDDM video driver and use the Windows SVGA video driver instead.\\ XenDesktop > XenDesktop 7 > About this release > Known
bamt-маиним-bitcoin-с-картами-amd-7900 @linux_faq
5 Hits, Last modified:
cd /home/user/Desktop/ wget unzip chmod 755 ./amd-driver-installer-
intel_hd_audio_1c20_error_code_10 @ms_windows_ms_sql
5 Hits, Last modified:
nd out that it's all about the Intel DisplayAudio driver, which is not installed unless the device is acti... downloaded once more the latest Intel HD graphics driver from the Intel site, but this time the zip file, ... with the yellow exclamation mark and updated the driver manually by pointing to the DisplayAudio subfolder in the folder into which I extracted the driver files. - Done, the exclamation mark was gone. To
kubernetes_docker_deprecating @devops
4 Hits, Last modified:
стало таким: <code>KUBELET_KUBEADM_ARGS="--cgroup-driver=systemd --network-plugin=cni --pod-infra-containe... kubelet не завелся с ошибкой: <code>Flag --cgroup-driver has been deprecated, This parameter should be set... ode> * Параметры **--resolv-conf** и **--cgroup-driver** переехали в **/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml**: <... esolvConf: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf cgroupDriver: systemd</code> После удаления **docker** многие
hummer_h3 @fishing
3 Hits, Last modified:
usb_hub_reset @linux_faq
3 Hits, Last modified:
unload_filesystem_driver @ms_windows_ms_sql
3 Hits, Last modified:
skaffold @devops
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lxde_vnc-в-контейнере-lxc @linux_faq
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windows_docker_purge_orphan_layers @ms_windows_ms_sql
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import_vm_from_xenserver_bsod @proxmox
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software_raid_xenserver_7.6 @citrix
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настроика-passthrough-gpu @citrix
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skilhunt-h03-driver-replacement @fishing
1 Hits, Last modified:
acer_swift_linux_trics @linux_faq
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asus_rog_zephyrus_m16 @linux_faq
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bluetooth_handset_microphone_absent @linux_faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
ethernet_connection_random_mac_on_every_boot @linux_faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
freebsd_11.0_radeon_8000_can_not_load_module @linux_faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
install_vcenter_under_wine @linux_faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
intel_ax210ngw_ubuntu_drivers_and_firmware @linux_faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
setup_lxc_lxd_host_on_ubuntu_1804 @linux_faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
ubuntu_kde_mtp_device_not_available @linux_faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
enable_sebackuppolicy @ms_windows_ms_sql
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